
- What is CLAME?
  CLAME is an acronym for Command-Line Arguments Made Easy. You can use it to
  easily process you Java aplications command-line arguments.

- Why CLAME?
  Well, because I noticed that no one got so bored at the point of doing such
  thing! Oh, and because I consider it usefull.

- How can I use CLAME?
  At the command-line, it closely behaves as described in the POSIX convention
  (read the requisites for more details). In terms of code, it's really simple:
  just add the main JAR to your application CLASSPATH and read the API!

  Here's an example:

    import java.util.Vector;
    import net.sourceforge.clame.CLAME;
    import net.sourceforge.clame.CLAMEException;
    public class MyApp
        public static void main(String[] args)
            CLAME clame=null;
            try {
                clame=new CLAME(args);
            } catch (CLAMEException clamee) {
                System.err.println("CLAMEException: "+clamee.getMessage());
            if (clame.existsOption("help"))
                System.out.println("This is help!");
            String host=clame.getOption("host");
            String port=clame.getOption("port");
            if ((host!=null) && (port!=null))
            Vector files=clame.getMultipleOption("files");
            if (files!=null)
                for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++)

  Some results for this example:

    "MyApp -help" would display "This is help!"
    "MyApp -host -port 1099" would display ""
    "MyApp -files foo1.txt foo2.txt foo3.txt" would display:

  You should also take a look at the test program located in the source
  package (TestCLAME.java).

- What about CLAMEs license?
  It's GPL, so you can use it, hack it, and distribute it at your will. Read
  license.txt for more details. And don't forget to give credit!
Copyright 2002 Arménio Pinto